Renaming the Pro Tier
The renamed 'Starter' tier as the starting point of your journey towards local cloud development.

There is a lot going on here at LocalStack, with different teams continuously delivering features and improvements in the core AWS emulator, as well as the web app and additional services. The year has only just started, and our development pipeline is bursting with even more things to come.
Taking a step back and looking at our offering, we noticed that Pro is not really a fitting name for the starter tier. Pro is a bit ambiguous and does not easily communicate what it is and how it relates to higher tiers like the Teams offering. In conversations with our users, we often see that the Pro tier was their starting point. The more they used LocalStack, especially with growing team and project sizes, the features and services offered in the Teams and higher tiers became more valuable to them – ultimately to the point where they switched away from Pro into a higher tier.
Seeing this prototypical user journey, we decided to rename the Pro tier to Starter. It still contains all the features and functionality as before, so it is in no way less pro, but better communicates that it is often just the starting point of a journey to empower developers through local dev setups, making working with cloud services easier and also more fun.
Starting today, you can find the renamed Starter plan on our plan selection screen. The name will also be changed in all existing Pro subscriptions. This is just a name change, so the product you purchased or subscribed to is remaining exactly the same.